Selected Publications
These symbols indicate equal contributions by first (*) and senior (¶) authors.
Pre-print publications under peer review
A list of all of the lab's pre-print publications, posted to
bioRxiv, can be found
Note that not all of these will appear in peer review with the same titles as found there, as often even the title of a paper can change as a result of the peer review process.
Dissociating contributions of theta and alpha oscillations from aperiodic neural activity in human visual working memory. van Engen Q, Chau G, Smith A, Adam KCS, Donoghue T, Voytek B. (bioRxiv paper)
Evaluating and comparing measures of aperiodic neural activity. Donoghue T, Hammonds R, Lybrand E, Washcke L, Gao R, Voytek B. (bioRxiv paper)
Time-resolved aperiodic and oscillatory dynamics during human visual memory encoding. Preston M, Schaworonkow N, Voytek B. J Neurosci (in press) (bioRxiv preprint)
Resting-state alpha and mu rhythms change shape across development but lack diagnostic sensitivity for ADHD and autism. Bender A, Voytek B¶, Schaworonkow N¶. J Cogn Neurosci (in press)
Processes and measurements: a framework for understanding neural oscillations in field potentials. van Bree S, Levenstein D, Krause MR, Voytek B, Gao R. Trends Cogn Sci (paper)
Development of neuronal timescales in human cortical organoids and rat hippocampus dissociated cultures. Martin-Burgos B, McPherson T, Hammonds R, Gao R, Muotri A, Voytek B. J Neurophysiol (paper)
Sleep parameters of breathing and cognitive function in a diverse Hispanic/Latino cohort. González KA, Tarraf W, Sultana S, Junco B, Kosik E, Voytek B, González H. Chest Pulmonary (paper)
Changes in electrophysiological aperiodic activity during cognitive control in Parkinson's disease. Monchy N*, Modolo J*, Houvenaghel JF, Voytek B¶, Duprez J¶. Brain Communications (paper)
Neuroscience: Unveiling hidden sources of noise. Fitzgerald M, Kosik E, Voytek B. eLife (paper)
Clinical EEG slowing induced by electroconvulsive therapy is better described by increased frontal aperiodic activity. Smith SE, Ma V, Gonzalez C, Chapman A, Printz D, Voytek B¶, Soltani M¶. Transl Psychiatry (paper)
Magnetic seizure therapy and electroconvulsive therapy increase frontal aperiodic activity. Smith SE*, van Engen Q*, Kosik EL*, Kohn J, Hill AT, Zomorrodi R, Blumberger DM, Daskalakis ZJ, Hadas I, Voytek B. Transl Psychiatry (paper)
Neurophysiological signatures of cortical micro-architecture. Shafiei G, Fulcher BD, Voytek B, Satterthwaite TD, Baillet S, Misic B. Nature Comms (paper)
Aperiodic Neural Activity is a Better Predictor of Schizophrenia than Neural Oscillations. Peterson EJ, Rosen BQ, Belger A, Voytek B, Campbell AM. Clin EEG Neurosci (paper)
The data science future of neuroscience theory. Voytek B. Nature Methods (paper)
Automated meta-analysis of the event-related potential (ERP) literature. Donoghue T & Voytek B. Sci Rep (paper)
Course materials for data science in practice. Donoghue T, Voytek B, Ellis S. J Open Source Educ (paper)
Spectral parameterization for studying neurodevelopment: How and why. Ostlund BD, Donoghue T, Anaya B, Gunther K, Karalunas S, Voytek B, Perez-Edgar K. Dev Cogn Neurosci (paper)
Modality-specific tracking of attention and sensory statistics in the human electrophysiological spectral exponent. Waschke L, Donoghue T, Fiedler L, Smith S, Garrett DD, Voytek B¶, Obleser J¶. eLife (paper)
Methodological considerations for studying neural oscillations. Donoghue T, Schaworonkow N, Voytek B. Eur J Neurosci. (paper) (open access preprint)
Enhancing oscillations in intracranial electrophysiological recordings with data-driven spatial filters. Schaworonkow N & Voytek B. PLOS Comput Biol (paper) (code)
Local field potentials in a pre-motor region predict learned vocal sequences. Brown DE, Chavez JI, Nguyen DH, Kadwory A, Voytek B, Arneodo E, Gentner TQ, Gilja V. PLOS Comput Biol (paper)
Longitudinal changes in aperiodic and periodic activity in electrophysiological recordings in the first seven months of life. Schaworonkow N & Voytek B. Dev Cogn Neurosci (paper) (code)
The logic of developing neocortical circuits in health and disease. Hanganu-Opatz I, Butt S, Hippenmeyer S, De Marco Garcia N, Cardin J, Voytek B, Muotri A. J Neurosci (paper)
Teaching creative and practical data science at scale. Donoghue T, Voytek B, Ellis S. J Stat Data Sci Educ (paper)
Parameterizing neural power spectra into periodic and aperiodic components. Donoghue T*, Haller M*, Peterson EJ*, Varma P, Sebastian P, Gao R, Noto T, Knight RT, Shestyuk A¶, Voytek B¶. Nature Neurosci (paper) (code)
Neuronal timescales are functionally dynamic and shaped by cortical microarchitecture. Gao R, van den Brink RL, Pfeffer T, Voytek B. eLife (paper) (main code) (projection code)
Electrophysiological frequency band ratio measures conflate periodic and aperiodic neural activity. Donoghue T, Dominguez J, Voytek B. eNeuro (paper) (code)
Homeostatic mechanisms may shape the type and duration of oscillatory modulation. Peterson EJ & Voytek B. J Neurophysiol (paper) (code)
Linked sources of neural noise contribute to age-related cognitive decline. Tran TT, Rolle CE, Gazzaley A, Voytek B. J Cogn Neurosci (paper)
NitroSynapsin ameliorates hypersynchronous neural network activity in Alzheimer hiPSC models. Ghatak S, Dolatabadi N, Gao R, Wu Y, Scott H, Trudler D, Sultan A, Ambasudhan R, Nakamura T, Masliah E, Talantova M, Voytek B, Lipton SA. Mol Psychiatry
Memantine effects on EEG measures of putative excitatory/inhibitory balance in schizophrenia. Molina JL, Voytek B, Thomas ML, Joshi YB, Bhakta SG, Talledo JA, Swerdlow NR, Light GA. Biol Psychiatry: Cogn Neurosci Neuroimaging
EEG Power Spectral Slope differs by ADHD status and stimulant medication exposure in early childhood. Robertson MM, Furlong S, Voytek B, Donoghue T, Boettiger CA, Sheridan MA. J Neurophysiol (paper)
Complex Oscillatory Waves Emerging from Cortical Organoids Model Early Human Brain Network Development. Trujillo CA*, Gao R*, Negraes PD*, Chaim IA, Domissy A, Vandenberghe M, Devor A, Yeo GW, Voytek B¶, Muotri AR¶. Cell Stem Cell (paper) (code)
Cycle-by-cycle analysis of neural oscillations. Cole SR & Voytek B. J Neurophysiol (paper) (code)
Field potential 1/f activity in the subcallosal cingulate region as a candidate signal for monitoring deep brain stimulation for treatment resistant depression. Veerakumar A, Tiruvadi V, Howell B, Waters AC, Crowell AL, Voytek B, Posse PR, Denison L, Rajendra JK, Edwards JA, Bijanki KR, Choi KS, Mayberg HS. J Neurophysiol (paper)
Setd5 haploinsufficiency alters neuronal network connectivity and leads to autistic-like behaviors in mice. Moore SM, Seidman JS, Ellegood J, Gao R, Savchenko A, Troutman TD, Abe Y, Stender J, Lee D, Wang S, Voytek B, Lerch J, Suh H, Glass CK, Muotri AR. Transl Psychiatry (paper)
NeuroDSP: A package for neural digital signal processing. Cole SR, Donoghue T, Gao R, Voytek B. J Open Source Software (paper) (code)
Characteristics of waveform shape in Parkinson’s disease detected with scalp electroencephalography. Jackson N, Cole SR, Voytek B, Swann NC. eNeuro (paper)
Uncovering Neuronal Networks Defined by Consistent between-Neuron Spike Timing from Neuronal Spike Recordings. van der Meij R & Voytek B. eNeuro (paper)
- Social Media, Open Science, and Data Science Are Inextricably Linked. Voytek B. Neuron (paper)
Inferring synaptic excitation/inhibition balance from field potentials. Gao R, Peterson E, Voytek B. NeuroImage (paper) (code)
- Nonsinusoidal beta oscillations reflect cortical pathophysiology in Parkinson's disease. Cole SR, van der Meij R, Peterson EJ, de Hemptinne C, Starr PA, Voytek B. J Neurosci (paper) (code and data)
- Brain oscillations and the importance of waveform shape. Cole SR & Voytek B. Trends Cogn Sci (paper)
Preparatory encoding of the fine scale of human spatial attention. Voytek B, Samaha J, Rolle CE, Greenberg Z, Gill N, Porat S, Kader T, Rahman S, Malzyner R, Gazzaley A. J Cogn Neurosci (paper)
Alpha phase dynamics predict age-related visual working memory decline. Tran T, Hoffner NC, LaHue SC, Tseng L, Voytek B. NeuroImage (paper)
The virtuous cycle of a data ecosystem. Voytek B. PLOS Comput Biol (paper)
Oscillatory dynamics coordinating human frontal networks in support of goal maintenance. Voytek B, Kayser AS, Badre D, Fegen D, Chang EF, Crone NE, Parvizi J, Knight RT, D’Esposito M. Nature Neurosci (paper)
Age-related Changes in 1/f Neural Electrophysiological Noise. Voytek B, Kramer MA, Case J, Lepage KQ, Tempesta ZR, Knight RT, Gazzaley A. J Neurosci (paper)
Dynamic network communication as a unifying neural basis for cognition, development, aging, and disease. Voytek B & Knight RT. Biol Psychiatry (paper)
A method for event-related phase/amplitude coupling. Voytek B, D'Esposito M, Crone N, Knight RT. NeuroImage (paper)
Automated cognome construction and semi-automated hypothesis generation. Voytek JB & Voytek B. J Neurosci Methods (paper)
Prefrontal cortex lesions impair object-spatial integration. Voytek B*, Soltani M*, Pickard N, Kishiyama MM, Knight RT. PLoS ONE (paper)
Prefrontal cortex and basal ganglia contributions to visual working memory. Voytek B & Knight RT. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA (paper)
Dynamic neuroplasticity after human prefrontal cortex damage. Voytek B, Davis M, Yago E, Barceló F, Vogel EK, Knight RT. Neuron (paper)
Shifts in gamma phase-amplitude coupling frequency from theta to alpha over posterior cortex during visual tasks. Voytek B, Canolty RT, Shestyuk A, Crone NE, Parvizi J, Knight RT. Front Human Neurosci (paper)
Hemicraniectomy: A new model for human electrophysiology with high spatio-temporal resolution. Voytek B, Secundo L, Bidet-Caulet A, Scabini D, Stiver SI, Gean AD, Manley GT, Knight RT. J Cogn Neurosci (paper)