Source code for timescales.sim.spikes

"""Exponential decay kernel simulations."""

import warnings

import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import convolve

from neurodsp.sim import sim_synaptic_kernel
from neurodsp.utils.norm import normalize_sig

[docs]def sim_spikes_synaptic(n_seconds, fs, tau, mu=None, refract=None, isi=None, var_noise=None): """Simulate a spiking autocorrelation as a synaptic kernel. Parameters ---------- n_seconds : float Length of the signal, in seconds. fs : float Sampling rate, in hz. tau : float Timescale, in seconds. mu : float, optional, default: None Mean of the isi exponential distribuion. Only used if isi is None. refract : int, optional, default: None Minimum distances between spikes (i.e. refactory period). isi : 1d array, optional, default: None Interspike intervals to randomly sample from. var_noise : float, optional, default: None Variance of gaussian noise to be added to spike probabilities. Larger values, approaching 1, will produce smaller spectral exponents. return_sum : bool, optional, default: True Returns sum of neurons if True. If False, a 2d binary array is returned. Returns ------- spikes : 1d Spike counts. """ if (tau * fs) < 1: warnings.warn('Requested tau and fs are too small. This may result in inaccurate ' 'simulation of tau. Increase tau or fs.') # Simulate a synaptic kernel kernel = sim_synaptic_kernel(10 * tau, fs, 0, tau) # Simulate probabilities of spiking probs = sim_spikes_prob(n_seconds, fs, kernel, isi, mu, refract, var_noise) # Select [0=no spike, 1=spike] using probabilities spikes = (probs > np.random.rand(*probs.shape)) return spikes
[docs]def sim_spikes_prob(n_seconds, fs, kernel, isi=None, mu=None, refract=None, var_noise=None): """Simulate spiking probability. Parameters ---------- n_seconds : float Length of the signal, in seconds. fs : float Sampling rate, in hz. kernel : 1d or 2d array Synaptic kernel to convolve with Poisson. n_neurons : int, optional, default: 100 Number of neurons to simulate. isi : 1d array, optional, default: None Interspike intervals to randomly sample from. mu : float, optional, default: None Mean of the isi exponential distribuion. Only used if isi is None. refract : int, optional, default: None Minimum distances between spikes (i.e. refactory period). var_noise : float, optional, default: 0. Variance of gaussian noise to be added to spike probabilities. Larger values, approaching 1, will produce smaller spectral exponents. Returns ------- probs : 2d array, optional Probablility of spiking at each sample. """ n_samples = int(n_seconds * fs) poisson = sim_poisson(n_seconds, fs, kernel, isi, mu, refract) # Single kernel if kernel.ndim == 1: # Convolve the binary poisson array with the kernel probs = convolve(poisson, kernel)[:n_samples] # Multi-kernel elif kernel.ndim == 2: probs = np.zeros((len(kernel), n_samples)) for kernel_ind in range(len(kernel)): probs[kernel_ind] = np.convolve(poisson, kernel[kernel_ind])[:n_samples] probs = probs.sum(axis=0) # Scale probabilities from 0-1 probs = (probs - np.min(probs)) / np.ptp(probs) # Add gaussian noise if requested if var_noise is not None: n_rand = int(n_samples * var_noise) inds = np.arange(n_samples) if n_rand > 0: rand_inds = np.random.choice(inds, n_rand, replace=False) probs[rand_inds] = .5 return probs
[docs]def sim_poisson(n_seconds, fs, kernel, isi=None, mu=None, refract=None): """Simulate a poisson distribution. Parameters ---------- n_seconds : float Length of the signal, in seconds. fs : float Sampling rate, in hz. kernel : 1d or 2d array Synaptic kernel to convolve with Poisson. n_neurons : int, optional, default: 100 Number of neurons to simulate. isi : 1d array, optional, default: None Interspike intervals to randomly sample from. mu : float, optional, default: None Mean of the isi exponential distribuion. Only used if isi is None. refract : int, optional, default: None Minimum distances between spikes (i.e. refactory period). Returns ------- poisson : 2d array, optional Probablility of spiking at each sample. """ # Pad n_seconds to account for convolution kern_len = len(kernel[0]) if kernel.ndim == 2 else len(kernel) times = np.arange(0, int(n_seconds + (kern_len * 2)), 1/fs) if isi is None: mu = fs * .1 if mu is None else mu isi = np.round_(np.random.exponential(scale=mu, size=len(times))).astype(int) if refract is not None: isi = isi[np.where(isi > refract)[0]] # Randomly sample isi's n_samples = int(n_seconds * fs) last_ind = np.where(isi.cumsum() >= n_samples)[0] inds = isi.cumsum() if len(last_ind) == 0 else isi[:last_ind[0]].cumsum() # If kernel is 2d, one kernel is expected per isi if kernel.ndim == 2 and len(kernel) != len(inds): raise ValueError('Mismatch between 2d kernel length and ISIs. ' 'Explicitly pass isi arg with length == 2d kernel.') # Single kernel if kernel.ndim == 1: poisson = np.zeros(len(times), dtype=bool) poisson[inds] = True # Multi-kernel elif kernel.ndim == 2: for sample_ind in inds: poisson = np.zeros(len(times), dtype=bool) poisson[sample_ind] = True return poisson
def sample_spikes(probs): """Randomly sample spikes from a probability array. Parameters ---------- probs : 1d or 2d array Probabilities to sample. Assumed to be between zero and one. Returns ------- spikes : 1d or 2d array Spike counts. """ if probs.ndim == 2: spikes = np.zeros((len(probs), len(probs[0])), dtype=bool) for ind in range(len(probs)): spikes[ind] = sample_spikes(probs[ind]) else: spikes = (probs > np.random.rand(*probs.shape)) return spikes def bin_spikes(spikes, fs, bin_size, mean=None, variance=None): """Bin spikes. Parameters ---------- spikes : 1d or 2d array Spike counts. fs : float Sampling rate, in Hertz. bin_size : int Number of samples per bin. mean : float, optional, default: None Mean to normalize signal to. variance : float, optional, default: None Variance to normalize signal to. Returns ------- spikes_bin : 1d or 2d array Binned spike counts fs_bin : float Updated sampling rate. """ if spikes.ndim == 2: for ind in range(len(spikes)): _spikes_bin, fs_bin = bin_spikes(spikes, bin_size, fs) if ind == 0: spikes_bin = np.zeros((len(spikes), len(_spikes_bin))) spikes_bin[ind] = _spikes_bin else: spikes_bin = spikes.reshape(-1, bin_size).sum(axis=1) if mean is not None or variance is not None: spikes_bin = normalize_sig(spikes_bin, mean=mean, variance=variance) fs_bin = fs / bin_size return spikes_bin, fs_bin