02. PSD Objects
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from neurodsp.sim import sim_oscillation
from neurodsp.spectral import compute_spectrum
from timescales.sim import sim_ou
from timescales.fit import PSD
from timescales.conversions import convert_knee
from timescales.autoreg import compute_ar_spectrum
from timescales.plts import set_default_rc
02. PSD Objects¶
This tutorials explores the use of the PSD objects.
# Settings
n_seconds = 20
fs = 1000
knee_freq = 10
tau = convert_knee(knee_freq)
ar_order = 50
# Simulate a signal
sig = sim_ou(n_seconds, fs, tau, mu=0, std=1)
sig += sim_oscillation(n_seconds, fs, knee_freq)
Compute Spectra¶
PSD objects have a compute_spectrum method that may be called from an empty intialization. This method supports neurodsp’s compute_spectrum and timescale’s compute_ar_spectrum functions. Alternatively, external functions that compute spectra may be used, and these arrays may be specificed when initalizing a PSD object. Once the freqs and powers attributes have been defined, the model may be fit.
# Compute spectrum using method
psd = PSD()
psd.compute_spectrum(sig, fs, ar_order)
# Or using an external function
psd = PSD()
freqs, powers = compute_spectrum(sig, fs)
psd = PSD(freqs, powers)
Fitting: 1d¶
PSD objects support FOOOF models or any loss function supported by scipy.optimize.least_squares. If a loss function is specified, a single call to scipy’s curve fit is used to optimize the aperiodic Lorentzian model. Loss functions are preferred when a large amount of spectra need to be processed and when oscillations are not dominate.
psd.fit(method='fooof', fooof_init={'peak_threshold': 2.5})
389 ms ± 65.1 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
12.4 ms ± 130 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
Fitting: 2d¶
2d arrays of signals or powers are supported.
# Simulate signals
fs = 1000
n_seconds = 5
nsigs = 20
sigs = np.zeros((nsigs, int(n_seconds * fs)))
for ind in range(nsigs):
sigs[ind] = sim_ou(n_seconds, fs, tau, mu=0, std=1)
sigs[ind] += sim_oscillation(n_seconds, fs, knee_freq)
# Fit
psd = PSD()
psd.compute_spectrum(sigs, fs, n_jobs=-1)
Optimized parameters, labels, and model r-squared values are stored as attributes.
['offset', 'knee_freq', 'exp', 'const']
array([[1.21103820e+00, 1.58865485e+01, 2.22213869e+00, 4.26877247e-05],
[1.11018870e+00, 1.26717317e+01, 2.14993387e+00, 3.72941433e-05],
[8.10003073e-01, 8.90468822e+00, 1.99168729e+00, 3.04245194e-05],
[1.14814023e+00, 1.37547579e+01, 2.18871576e+00, 4.36597018e-05],
[6.83293436e-01, 9.57179775e+00, 1.95570067e+00, 2.82382679e-05]])
array([0.91342092, 0.91370156, 0.91873742, 0.91313481, 0.915072 ])