- timescales.sim.sim_acf_cos(xs, fs, exp_tau, osc_tau, osc_gamma, osc_freq, amp_ratio, height, offset)[source]#
Simulate an autocorrelation with an oscillitory component.
- Parameters:
- xs1d array
Lag definitions.
- fsfloat
Sampling rate, in Hz.
- exp_taufloat
Timescale of the exponential component.
- osc_taufloat
Timescale of the damped cosine.
- osc_gammafloat
Exponential constant of the damped cosine.
- osc_freqfloat
Frequency of the damped cosine.
- amp_ratiofloat
Ratio between the amplitude of the exponetial decay and damped cosine components, respectively.
- heightfloat
Total height of the combined components.
- offsetfloat
Y-axis intercept.
- Returns
- ——
- acf1d array
Sum of exponential and damped cosine components.