
class timescales.fit.PSD(freqs=None, powers=None, fs=None)[source]#

Power spectral density class.

freqs1d array

Frequencies at which the measure was calculated.

powers1d or 2d array

Power spectral density.

powers_fit1d or 2d array

Aperiodic fit.

params1d or 2d array

Parameters as [offset, knee_freq, exp, const].

param_nameslist of str

Parameter names in order of params.

knee_freqfloat or 1d array

Knee frequency.


R-squared of the aperiodic fit.

guesslist, optional, default: None

Inital parameter estimates.

boundslist, optional, default: None

Parameters bounds as [(*lower_bounds), (*upper_bounds)].

__init__(freqs=None, powers=None, fs=None)[source]#

Initialize object.


__init__([freqs, powers, fs])

Initialize object.

compute_spectrum(sig, fs[, ar_order, ...])

Compute powers spectral density.

fit([freqs, powers, f_range, ap_mode, ...])

Fit power spectra.

plot([ax, title])

Plot spectra.

compute_spectrum(sig, fs, ar_order=None, f_range=None, norm_range=None, n_jobs=1, **kwargs)[source]#

Compute powers spectral density.

sig1d or 2d array

Voltage time series or spike counts.


Sampling rate, in Hz.

ar_orderint, optional, default: None

Compute an autoregressive spectra when not None.

f_rangetuple of (float, float)

Frequency range of interest, inclusive.

norm_rangetuple of (float, float), optional, default: None

The lower and upper normalization range.

n_jobsint, optional, default: -1

Number of jobs to run in parralel, when powers is 2d. Only available when using an ar_order.


Additional keyword arguments to pass to compute_spectrum or compute_ar_spectrum.

fit(freqs=None, powers=None, f_range=None, ap_mode='single', method='huber', fooof_init=None, bounds=None, guess=None, n_resample=None, f_scale=None, r_thresh=None, maxfev=1000, sigma=None, n_jobs=1, progress=None)[source]#

Fit power spectra.

freqs1d array

Frequencies at which the measure was calculated.

powers1d or 2d array

Power spectral density.

f_rangetuple of (float, float)

Frequency range of interest, inclusive.

ap_mode{‘single’, ‘double’}

Aperiodic mode as a single or double timescales (knee) process. Only availble for non-fooof methods.

method{‘huber’, ‘cauchy’, ‘soft_l1’, ‘arctan’, ‘fooof’}

Fit using a single scipy curve_fit call using robust regression or use the fooof model.

fooof_initdict, optional, default: None

Fooof initialization arguments. Only used if method is ‘fooof’.

bounds2d array-like

Parameter bounds.

guess1d array-like

Initial parameter estimates.

n_resampleint, optional, default: None:

Evenly resample in log-log space to improve robust regression.

f_scalefloat or 1d array-like, optional, default: 0.1

Value of soft margin between inlier and outlier residuals. Only used if method is in {‘huber’, ‘cauchy’, ‘soft_l1’, ‘arctan’}.

r_threshfloat, optional, default: None

Minimum r-squared required to accept f_scale. Only used when f_scale is a 1d array. When None, all f_scale values are attempted and the highest resulting r-squared is accepted.


Maximum number of fitting iterations. Only availble for huber method.

sigmadict, optional, default: None

Target error per sample.


Number of jobs to run in parralel, when powers is 2d.

progress{None, ‘tqdm’, ‘tqdm.notebook’}

Specify whether to display a progress bar. Uses ‘tqdm’, if installed.

plot(ax=None, title=None)[source]#

Plot spectra.

axAxesSubplot, optional, default: None

Axis to plot on.