Source code for
"""Simulate an AR(p) process."""
import numpy as np
def sim_ar(n_seconds, fs, phi, init=None, error=None):
"""Simulate a signal given AR coefficients, phi.
n_seconds : float
Number of seconds to simulate.
fs : float
Sampling rate, in Hertz.
phi : 1d array or float
Autoregressive coefficients.
init : 1d array, default: None
First p values of the signal to begin convolutional
with weights. Default samples a standard normal.
error : 1d array, default: None
Epsilon term added at each convolutional step.
Should have length of int(fs * n_seconds).
Default samples a standard normal.
sig : 1d array
Simulated signal.
if isinstance(phi, float):
phi = np.array([phi])
# Order
p = len(phi)
# Initalize arrays
sig = np.zeros(int(n_seconds * fs) + p)
if init is None:
init = np.random.randn(p) * np.sqrt(1/(1-phi[0]**2))
sig[:p] = init
if error is None:
error = np.random.randn(len(sig))
for i in range(p, len(sig)):
sig[i] = (sig[i-p:i] @ phi) + error[i-p]
sig = sig[p:]
sig = (sig - sig.mean()) / sig.std()
return sig
def sim_ar_spectrum(freqs, fs, phi, offset=1.0):
"""Simulate theoretical spectral form of an AR(p) model.
freqs : 1d array
fs : float
Sampling rate, Hz.
phi : 1d array or float
Autoregressive coefficients.
Ordered from most recent in time to farthest in time.
Typically, phi_0 will be the largest coeff and corresponds to AR(1).
offset : float, optional, default: 1.0
Translates the spectrum along the power, y-axis.
if isinstance(phi, float):
phi = np.array([phi])
order = len(phi)
k = np.arange(1, order+1)
exp = np.exp(-2j * np.pi * np.outer(freqs, k) / fs).T
denom = 1 - (phi @ exp)
powers_fit = offset / np.abs(denom)**2
return powers_fit