import os
from tqdm.notebook import tqdm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import openneuro

from ndspflow.workflows.workflow import WorkFlow

from neurodsp.filt import filter_signal
from neurodsp.spectral import compute_spectrum

from fooof import FOOOF, FOOOFGroup
from bycycle import Bycycle

BIDS WorkFlow

Below, we fetch a BIDS dataset using the openneuro cli. Then define and execute the following workflow:

  1. Load the BIDS directory using MNE BIDS

  2. Apply custom functions to select channels and epoch the signal

  3. Low-pass filter with neurodsp

  4. Fit FOOOF

  5. Fit Bycycle

[ ]:
dataset = 'ds003844'
include = ['sub-RESP0059/ses-SITUATION1A', 'sub-RESP0280/ses-SITUATION1A']

# Create BIDs folder
bids_path = f'{os.getcwd()}/bids'

if not os.path.isdir(bids_path):

openneuro.download(dataset=dataset, target_dir=bids_path, include=include)
def select_channels(y_array, channels):
    """Select sub-set of channels."""
    inds = [ind for ind, ch in enumerate(channels)
            if ch in channels]

    return y_array[inds]

def epoch(y_array, n_epochs, epoch_len):
    """Epoch function."""
    y_array = y_array[:, :int(n_epochs) * epoch_len]
    y_array = y_array.reshape(-1, epoch_len)

    return y_array
wf = WorkFlow(bids_path=bids_path, session='SITUATION1A', task='acute')

wf.read_bids(subject='sub-RESP0059', allow_ragged=True)

# Custom transforms
wf.transform(select_channels, ['Gr16', 'Gr17'])
wf.transform(epoch, 2, 5000)
wf.transform(filter_signal, 'self.fs', 'lowpass', 200, remove_edges=False)

wf.transform(compute_spectrum, 'self.fs')
wf.fit(FOOOF(verbose=False, max_n_peaks=5), (1, 100), axis=-1)

wf.fit(Bycycle(), 'self.fs', (50, 100), axis=-1)

wf.run(n_jobs=1, progress=tqdm)
[[[<fooof.objs.fit.FOOOF at 0x7f9618bf3af0>,
   <fooof.objs.fit.FOOOF at 0x7f961bc99a60>,
   <fooof.objs.fit.FOOOF at 0x7f9619c689d0>,
   <fooof.objs.fit.FOOOF at 0x7f9619c681c0>],
  [<bycycle.objs.fit.Bycycle at 0x7f961bc95970>,
   <bycycle.objs.fit.Bycycle at 0x7f961bc95d30>,
   <bycycle.objs.fit.Bycycle at 0x7f961bc95310>,
   <bycycle.objs.fit.Bycycle at 0x7f961bdb3790>]],
 [[<fooof.objs.fit.FOOOF at 0x7f9618b9f7f0>,
   <fooof.objs.fit.FOOOF at 0x7f961bc997c0>,
   <fooof.objs.fit.FOOOF at 0x7f9619c688e0>,
   <fooof.objs.fit.FOOOF at 0x7f9619c68310>],
  [<bycycle.objs.fit.Bycycle at 0x7f961bc8f610>,
   <bycycle.objs.fit.Bycycle at 0x7f961bc8f2e0>,
   <bycycle.objs.fit.Bycycle at 0x7f961bc8f070>,
   <bycycle.objs.fit.Bycycle at 0x7f961bc8f9d0>]]]

Inspecting Workflows

Preprocessing workflows may be inspected by calling .run() with no .fit() defined in the workflow. The resulting array (.y_array) is collected below, from a series of .transform() calls.

wf = WorkFlow(bids_path=bids_path, session='SITUATION1A', task='acute')

wf.read_bids(subject='sub-RESP0059', allow_ragged=True)

wf.transform(select_channels, ['Gr16', 'Gr17'])
wf.transform(epoch, 2, 5000)
wf.transform(filter_signal, 'self.fs', 'lowpass', 200, remove_edges=False)

# Plot example channels
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 2))
for subj in wf.y_array:
    for ch in subj[2:]:

plt.xlabel('Time (samples)');