
class ndspflow.workflows.BIDS(bids_path=None, subjects=None, fs=None, **bids_kwargs)[source]

BIDS interface.

bids_pathstr, optional, default: None

Path to BIDS directory.

subjectslist of str, optional, default: None

Subset of subjects to include.

fsfloat, optional, default: None

Sampling rate, in Hertz.


Array input.

__init__(bids_path=None, subjects=None, fs=None, **bids_kwargs)[source]

Initalize BIDS object.

bids_pathstr, optional, default: None

Path to BIDS directory.

subjectslist of str, optional, default: None

Subset of subjects to include.

fsfloat, optional, default: None

Sampling rate, in Hertz.


Additional keyword arguments to pass to mne_bids.path.BIDSPath initalization. Examples include: session, task, acquisition, run, etc.


__init__([bids_path, subjects, fs])

Initalize BIDS object.

read_bids([subject, allow_ragged, queue])

Read the BIDS directory into memory.

read_bids(subject=None, allow_ragged=False, queue=True)[source]

Read the BIDS directory into memory.

subjectint, optional, default: None

Read a single subject into memory. If None, the entire BIDS dataset is read into memory at once.

allow_raggedbool, optional, default: True

Allow and use ragged arrays if True. Otherwise assumes non-ragged and sets max output length to min raw length. Only used if ind is None.

queuebool, optional, default: True

Queue’s reading into nodes if True. Otherwise reads y_array in.