Source code for ndspflow.workflows.workflow


from copy import deepcopy
from functools import partial
from itertools import product
from inspect import signature

from multiprocessing import Pool, cpu_count
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import numpy as np
import networkx as nx

from mne_bids import BIDSPath

from .bids import BIDS
from .sim import Simulate
from .transform import Transform
from .model import Model
from .graph import create_graph
from .utils import reshape, extract_results

[docs]class WorkFlow(BIDS, Simulate, Transform, Model): """Workflow definition. Attributes ---------- models : list Fit model objects. results : list, optional Attributes from model classes. graph : networkx.DiGraph Directed workflow graph. nodes : list of list Contains order of operations as: [[node_type, function, *args, **kwargs], ...] """
[docs] def __init__(self, y_array=None, x_array=None, **kwargs): """Initalize object. Parameters ---------- y_array : ndarray, optional, default: None Y-axis values. Usually voltage or power. x_array : 1d array, optional, default: None X-axis values. Usually time or frequency. **kwargs Additional keyword arguments that sub-classes need access to. See: {ndspflow.workflow.bids.BIDS, ndspflow.workflow.sim.Simulate} """ # Parse sub-class initalization kwargs bids_kwargs = {} bids_kwargs_names = list(signature(BIDS).parameters.keys())[:-1] bids_kwargs_names.extend(list(signature(BIDSPath).parameters.keys())) sim_kwargs = {} sim_kwargs_names = list(signature(Simulate).parameters.keys()) for k, v in kwargs.items(): if k in bids_kwargs_names : bids_kwargs[k] = v elif k in sim_kwargs_names: sim_kwargs[k] = v # Initialize sub-classes Simulate.__init__(self, **sim_kwargs) BIDS.__init__(self, **bids_kwargs) # Initialize self self.nodes = [] self.models = [] self.node = None self.model = None self.graph = None self.y_array = y_array self.x_array = x_array self.y_array_stash = None self.x_array_stash = None self.fork_inds = [] self.results = None self.attrs = None
[docs] def run(self, axis=None, attrs=None, flatten=False, n_jobs=-1, progress=None): """Run workflow. Parameters ---------- axis : int or tuple of int, optional, default: None Axis to pass to multiprocessing pools. Only used for 2d and greater. Identical to numpy axis arguments. attrs : list of str, optional, default: None Model attributes to return. flatten : bool, optional, default: False Flattens all models and attributes into a 1d array, per y_array. n_jobs : int, optional, default: -1 Number of jobs to run in parallel. progress : {None, tqdm.notebook.tqdm, tqdm.tqdm} Progress bar. """ # Handle merges _merges = [ind for ind in range(len(self.nodes)) if self.nodes[ind][0] == 'merge'] if len(_merges) > 0: common_nodes = self.nodes[_merges[-1]+1:] i_off = 0 for i in range(len(_merges)): # Replace merges with common nodes del self.nodes[_merges[i]+i_off] i_off -= 1 for j in range(len(common_nodes)): i_off += 1 self.nodes.insert(_merges[i]+i_off, deepcopy(common_nodes[j])) # Remove trailing fork node if i == len(_merges)-1: self.nodes = self.nodes[:_merges[i]+i_off+1] if self.fork_inds is not None: self.y_array_stash = [None] * len(self.fork_inds) self.x_array_stash = [None] * len(self.fork_inds) self.attrs = attrs # Infer input array type origshape = None if self.y_array is not None and axis is not None: # Drop instance arrays to prevent passing copies to mp pools y_array = self.y_array self.y_array = None x_array = self.x_array self.x_array = None y_array, origshape = reshape(y_array, axis) node_type = 'preload' elif self.y_array is not None: # Drop instance arrays to prevent passing copies to mp pools y_array = self.y_array self.y_array = None x_array = self.x_array self.x_array = None node_type = 'preload' elif self.seeds is not None: # Simulation workflow y_array = self.seeds x_array = None node_type = 'sim' elif self.bids_path is not None and self.y_array is None: y_array = self.subjects x_array = None node_type = 'bids' else: raise ValueError('Undefined input.') # Infer if mp is needed use_pool = True if node_type != 'sim': use_pool = not ( (isinstance(y_array, np.ndarray) and y_array.ndim == 1) | (isinstance(y_array, np.ndarray) and axis is None) ) if not use_pool: _results = self._run((y_array, 0), x_array, node_type, flatten) else: # Parallel execution n_jobs = cpu_count() if n_jobs == -1 else n_jobs with Pool(processes=n_jobs) as pool: mapping = pool.imap( partial(self._run, x_array=x_array, node_type=node_type, flatten=flatten), zip(y_array, np.arange(len(y_array))) ) if progress is not None: _results = list(progress(mapping, total=len(y_array), desc='Running Workflow')) else: _results = list(mapping) # Ensure pools exits (needed for pytest cov) pool.close() pool.join() # Workflow ends on transform or sim node if self.nodes[-1][0] in ['transform', 'simulate']: self.y_array = np.squeeze(np.array(_results)) return # Flatten should return an even array (unless models produce sparse results) if flatten: self.results = np.array(_results) return self.results = _results try: # Squeeze extraneous dimensions self.results = np.squeeze(np.array(self.results, dtype='object')) if origshape is not None: self.results = np.squeeze(self.results.reshape(*origshape, -1)) # Pull models out of dummy result class for inds in product(*[range(i) for i in origshape]): self.results[inds] = self.results[inds].result else: # Pull models out of dummy result class for inds in product(*[range(i) for i in self.results.shape]): self.results[inds] = self.results[inds].result if self.results.ndim == 0: self.results = self.results.tolist() except (AttributeError, ValueError): # Multiple models with unique return shapes are ragged # and resultes are returned as dicts. Don't attempt to reshape. pass # Reset temporary attributes self.model = None self.node = None
def _run(self, input, x_array=None, node_type=None, flatten=False): """Sub-function to allow imap parallelziation. Parameters ---------- input : int or 1d array Random seed to set if int. Signal to process if 1d array. x_array : 1d array, optional, default: None X-axis values. node_type : {None, 'bids', 'sim'} Type of node. flatten : bool, optional, default: False Flattens all models and attributes into a 1d array, per y_array. """ # Reset de-instanced arrays self.x_array = x_array # Unpack process index self.param_ind = input[1] input = input[0] if node_type == 'sim': np.random.seed(input) else: self.y_array = input # Run nodes for node in self.nodes: self.node = node if node[0] == 'read_bids': getattr(self, node[0])(self.y_array, node[1], node[2]) elif node[0] in ['simulate', 'transform']: getattr(self, 'run_' + node[0])(node[1], *node[2], **node[3], **node[4]) elif node[0] == 'fit': getattr(self, 'run_' + node[0])(self.x_array, self.y_array, *node[2], axis=node[3], **node[4]) elif node[0] == 'fit_transform': getattr(self, 'run_' + node[0])(*node[2:]) elif node[0] == 'fork': getattr(self, 'run_' + node[0])(node[1]) # Sort results if node[0] in ['simulate', 'transform']: return self.y_array return extract_results(self.models, self.attrs, flatten)
[docs] def fork(self, ind=0): """Queue fork. Parameters ---------- ind : int Reference to fork to rewind to. """ if ind not in self.fork_inds: self.fork_inds.append(ind) self.nodes.append(['fork', ind])
[docs] def run_fork(self, ind=0): """Execute fork. Parameters ---------- ind : int Reference to fork to rewind to. """ if self.y_array_stash[ind] is None: # Stash self.y_array_stash[ind] = self.y_array.copy() if self.x_array is not None: self.x_array_stash[ind] = self.x_array.copy() elif self.y_array_stash[ind] is not None: # Pop self.y_array = self.y_array_stash[ind] self.x_array = self.x_array_stash[ind]
[docs] def merge(self): """Queue a merge.""" self.nodes.append(['merge'])
[docs] def fit_transform(self, model, y_attrs=None, x_attrs=None, axis=None, queue=False, n_jobs=-1, progress=None, fit_args=None, fit_kwargs=None): """Queue a model fit and transform y_array to model attributes. Parameters ---------- model : class Model class with a .fit method that accepts {(x_array, y_array), y_array}. y_attrs : str or list of str, optional, default: None Model attributes to return as y_array. Required if model does not have fit_transform method. axis : int, optional, default: None Axis to fit model over. x_attrs : list of str, optional, default: None Model attributes to return as x_array. n_jobs : int, optional, default: -1 Number of jobs to run in parallel. progress : {None, tqdm.notebook.tqdm, tqdm.tqdm} Progress bar. queue : bool, optional, default: False Add to node queue if True. Otherwise, execute on call. fit_args : dict, optional, default: False Passed to the .fit method of the model class. fit_kwargs : dict, optional, default: False Passed to the .fit method of the model class. """ if queue: self.nodes.append(['fit_transform', model, y_attrs, x_attrs, axis, fit_args, fit_kwargs]) elif hasattr(model, 'fit_transform'): self.y_array = model.fit_transform(self.y_array) else: fit_args = () if fit_args is None else fit_args fit_kwargs = {} if fit_kwargs is None else fit_kwargs # Fit, *fit_args, axis=None, **fit_kwargs), y_attrs, True, n_jobs, progress) # Transform self.y_array = self.results # Clear self.results = None self.nodes = [] self.models = []
[docs] def run_fit_transform(self, y_attrs, x_attrs=None, axis=None, args=None, kwargs=None): """Execute a fit + transform. Parameters ---------- y_attrs : str or list of st Model attributes to return as y_array. x_attrs : str or list of str, optional, default: None Model attributes to return as x_array. args : tuple, optional, default: None Passed to the .fit method of the model class. axis : int, optional, default: None Axis to fit model over. kwargs : dict, optional, default: None Passed to the .fit method of the model class. """ # Fit args = () if args is None else args kwargs = {} if kwargs is None else kwargs self.run_fit(self.x_array, self.y_array, *args, axis=axis, **kwargs) # Transform self.y_array = extract_results(self.models, y_attrs, True) self.x_array = extract_results(self.models, x_attrs, True) if x_attrs is not None else None # Clear self.results = None self.models = []
[docs] def drop_x(self): """Clear x-array values.""" self.x_array = None
[docs] def drop_y(self): """Clear y-array values.""" self.y_array = None
[docs] def plot(self, npad=2, ax=None, draw_kwargs=None): """Plot workflow as a directed graph.""" if self.graph is None: self.create_graph(npad) if draw_kwargs is None: draw_kwargs = {} node_size = draw_kwargs.pop('node_size', 3000) font_size = draw_kwargs.pop('font_size', 14) if ax is None: _, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 6)) pos = nx.get_node_attributes(self.graph, 'pos') nx.draw(self.graph, pos=pos, with_labels=True, node_size=node_size, font_size=font_size, **draw_kwargs)
def create_graph(self, npad=2): self.graph = create_graph(self, npad)